Mission & Vision


Mission is the translation of Vision, a lot more tangible for the ordinary mass of people and yet the thoughts being at the organizational level, by way of demanding professional accomplishments using a prescribed route.

At the organizational level, being a professional Police Officer, I wish to be a pro-active facilitator in achieving complete digital transformation of every single activity of Police functioning. At the personal level, culminate the present transitory thought process to become the established thought leader in areas of Policing, ERP, e-Governance, specialized areas of Management, Public Administration and similar disciplines like UN Peace-Keeping and have the capability of a practitioner to deliver the same.


Vision beckons reality at the transformational level. The ability to see at the end of the tunnel and also the other side with clarity and making others believe convincingly that there is at least light at the end of the tunnel. This capability helps in creating a mental construct which is generally non-existent at that time point in time and the ability to work in an extremely nebulous environment towards that goal. Dreams, ideas, thoughts and aspiratio are as old as human beings themselves. 

Vision is the capability to add pragmatism to the whole paradigm and making it work, rock or functional going through a roadmap which is typically his own. Vision can be shared at the best but it cannot be copied. Cut, copy and paste so prevalent in today’s world have not been able to make any negative impact on human vision. Its above the normal, daily and the ordinary. It’s the 75,000 feet view of the project but has the capability to zoom to the minutest detail. A professional police synthesizing Indian ruggedness while being technologically savvy, mentally entrenched in the prophetic concept of rule of law with a demonstrated capability to withstand, tackle, counter and investigate terror.

The training academics churning out the best of professionals and professional organizational culture maintaining them for rest of their careers. Homeland Security in all its dimensions becomes the order of the day and digital superstructure ideally fits onto the physical infrastructure so created for this purpose to deliver the near perfect deliverables, a value based professional policing system responsive to every need of every citizen, war on terror being the first priority. An Integrated Homeland Security Management System and one single ERP with complete integration of all legacy systems is the final vision. The rest as they proverbially say would fall in place.

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